A weekend of online seminars and workshops, to stay connected to our community and our vision in 2021

Loving Our Relationship with Food

By Charmaine Newmark, the Nourished Naturopath & Founder of Camden Wellness Expo


Release, Stretch & Tone

With Cheryl Burgess, Owner and Pilates Teacher from Semprose Pilates


Group Yoga

With Courtney Love, Yoga teach and owner of from Bend Yoga


Practising Self Care

With Vittoria and Achkim, from Satori Self Development


Prana Kids Yoga

With Maria from Prana Kids Yoga

Beginners Yoga

By Karl Palin, form One Big Heart Yoga Studio


Making Friends with Essential Oils

With Tia Veech, The Oil Lady and Clinical Aromatherapist


Healing Through Scar Management

With Physiotherapist, Hope Spencer from The Positive Health Project


Wholefoods for Weightloss

With Nutritionist, Susan Jones from The Way to Health

Spiritual Awakening

By Dr Philip Morphew, Spiritual Chiropractor


Healthy Habits

With Mary Howarth, from Rebalance with Mary


Mindfulness Meditation

With Lana Devjak, Spiritual Mentor and Medium from Mindful Gifts Australia


Connecting with Spirit

With Felicity Baisi, Physic and Medium from Happy Souls and Co

stay connected with all of the announcements

past vendors 2019


Alive for Life

Alternative Therapies

Angelic Massage

Bare Body Beauty Co

Camden Holistic Health Clinic

Deborah Lloyd

DeeVine Creations

Earth Air Fire Water


Empowered Alchemy

Enchanted Births

Erin Bailey Health Solutions

Field to Feast

Gen Zen Warriors

Happy Mama

Inwellness and Inhealth

Learning Well Macarthur

Leisa Macnamara Counselling

Macarthur Makeovers

Mindful Gifts Australia

Narellan Pilates Studio

New Beginnings Massage

One Big Heart Yoga

Park Run

Peace by Piece Holistic Healing

Philip Morphew Wellness

Positive Legacies

Rhinestone Wicca

Sabrina Borg Acupuncturist

Salts of the Earth

Sandell Chiropractic & Doula Services

Semprose Pilates Studio

Soul Sanctum

Tara Lee - She Muses

The Oil Hut

The Way to Health

The Quality of Life Clinic

Wandering Wellness Tribe

WAVE Learning

Wollondilly Podiatry

Zanshin Natural Therapies