I am Elizabeth Ellen from Empowered Alchemy and my passion is empowering you to create magical change in your life, so you have Purpose to walk your own Path with Grace and Ease.
Once you have flicked your alchemical switch from sadness and depression into optimal happiness and joy, lack into abundance and Prosperity, you will achieve unlimited success, optimal well-being, health and confidence in all areas of your life, giving you the gift of the perfect work/life balance.
Empowered Alchemy has allowed me to combine my passions for teaching art and design and empowering others to live up to their true potential, with my zeal for Hypnosis, Coaching, NLP, Mindfulness, Meditation, Creative Visualisation, Natural Therapies and Holistic Counseling.
In life coaching, my philosophy is based on the famous trilogy or pyramid of success. I believe, if you want to achieve optimal success in any area of your life, it is essential that your Mind, Body and Spirit are in optimal alliance with each other.