Here is what you need to know
What do I Bring?
Each vendor will be allocated 1 x 180x80 trestle table with approx. 1m of floorspace on each side. You are welcome to decorate as you wish. You may wish to bring a table cloth, standees, pin boards, flyers, products, (food and beverage, including supplements, are not able to be consumed onsite but can be sampled), promotional material.
There will be music playing over the PA system so no need to bring ambient music (music players required for any workshops if you require music)
Please ensure you let me know in writing if you need power or special access so I can put you against a wall.
Where can I Unload/Load and Park?
Parking for exhibitors at Woolworths carpark to allow public parking at CCC for attendees.
Can bump in via loading dock on Mitchell Street or via front doors, 1 hour prior to doors open.
Bump out required 1 hour after doors close.
Your table will be numbered on the table plan. Look for your number on the table for when you enter the CCC.
Do not block emergency exits at any time.
Powered sites will need to bring power boards, extension cords and black tape to fix cords to floor and avoid trip hazard.
Where can I get food and drinks or have a break?
The Camden Civic Centre is a licenced venue and therefor there is no sale of food and beverage allowed onsite to be consumed on site.
You are welcome to bring your own food and beverage to consume on the day.
There will be multiple water stations available on site.
The Memorial gardens are available outdoors to have a break from the centre.
Due to COVID restrictions, we do not have a fit and foodie hall this year.
Customer Payments
For those selling product on the day, please ensure you bring eftpos/payment gateways with you as ATMs are not on site.
We have decided as a group that any mini treatments/readings/consults will be offered FOC and hopefully eventuate into a lead. You are welcome to offer promotional offers on the day and encourage bookings/databases ect.
Sponsors will receive the mailist list from this years expo.
Hosting a 30 Minute Workshop?
Group workshops are in the Ferguson Gallery. You will see it sign posted to the right of the foyer.
The success of your workshop will be determined by the effort you put in to promoting it on the day and to your community. The event organiser will market the workshops but it is also expected to have your assistance in promotion.
The Ferguson gallery can cater up to 100 people and still be COVID-SAFE. Please practise COVID-SAFE practises of sanitation and social distancing.
Your workshop is for 30 minutes. There is a 10 minute gap between workshops to allow transition time for guests.
There will be a small table for your handouts of required. I encourage you to have a special offer available for your workshop attendees to work closer with you.
Please have a helper or a sign/chalkboard on your stall to say where you are over your workshop time.
Would love selfies and photos of your workshops for social media if you can.
In the Event of an Emergency?
There will be CCC staff onsite to assist in the unlikely event of an emergency. They will be wearing a lanyard and a high vis shirt. They will make themselves known to their local area and will be able to assist in calling emergency services or liaising with CCC staff to call emergency services, if required.
There are multiple emergency exits which will be made clear on the day. Please do not block emergency exits.
Please do not take personal belongings or equipment with you in the event of an evacuation.
Marketing Information
Newsletter/Website: Each exhibitor that has provided information has been announced on Newsletter and on our website. The website www.camdenwellnessexpo.com.au will continue to stay active after the event and remain a database for next years expo.
Socials: Each exhibitor that has provided information has been announced on social media. The pages will continue to stay active however I will reduce the posts after the expo until such time it is necessary to reengage the community for next years event.
Email List: Attendees are required to reserve a ticket to comply with COVID-SAFE Events. They will enter their email address, postcode and age bracket to enter. The email list will be distributed to each sponsor in a format that you should be able to plug in to your current email list. This will be sent out once available.
Social Media Engagement
Please get involved with fun and hype of the day by interacting and sharing on social media;
Facebook Page: Camden Wellness Expo
Facebook Event: Camden Wellness Expo 2023
Exhibitors Group Facebook Page: Camden Wellness Expo - Exhibitors Group
Instagram Page: camden_wellness_expo
Website: www.camdenwellnessexpo.com.au
frequently asked questions
What are we looking for in an exhibitor?
High quality professional practitioners, manufacturers, craftsmen and retailers specialised in providing health and wellness in the form of product or service to the Camden and Macarthur region.
Qualified practitioners in functional, complementary, alternative and allied health care including but not limited to; Naturopathy, Osteopathy, Nutrition, Reiki, NLP, Life Coaching, Massage, TCM, Acupuncture, Chiropractic, Midwifery, Doula and Birth Services, Aromatherapy, Kinesiology, Psychology, Counselling, Energetic Healing, Yoga, Pilates, Personal Trainers, Tia Chi, Physiotherapy, Podiatry ect.
All relevant professional indemnity and public liability insurance.
Aligned with the About page with respect to genuine and professional service, a high quality look and feel to represent the Camden Wellness Collective to the community.
Organic, sustainable, low tox and ethically sourced product that looks and feels like great quality, without harm to the environment or ourselves. Utmost transparency of ingredients and avoiding any kind of greenwashing or misleading claims about safety or efficacy.
Individuals or teams that would love to be a part of the INCREDIBLE Camden Wellness Collective. We are group of passionate, loving and genuine practitioners and retailers that love connecting with each other and bringing wellbeing to the community.
People who want to contribute to the overall success of the day, communication to the public and can be a positive influence to the Camden Wellness Expo. Negativity and poor sportsmanship have no place at our humble events.
What is in it for you!
A 2.5mx2m space, trestle table and chair.
Event graphics, digital marketing and printing.
Event management, MCs and concierge.
Advertising on social media, local papers and your own business page on the website including business image, bio and contact links.
Networking events and private facebook group.
Opportunity to run a workshop, movement class or present a seminar (additional $50).
Event photography and videography.
All additional information for setup will be presented in a closed facebook group and communicated to successful applicants prior to the event.
what our vendors are saying…
“It was fantastic as a practitioner to see the diversity of natural therapists in the local area. The opportunity to meet them & potentially refer clients to assist in their total wellbeing. It really felt like I was part of a community committed to helping people.”
- Deborah Lloyd, Exhibiting Naturopath
“It is so exciting to be a part of such a beautiful community of like-minded souls - exhibitors who are accomplished practitioners and service providers. Exhibitors who are coming together in the pursuit of wellness for the greater Camden community and beyond!”
- Diana, Inspired Live Travel